Have you ever met emotionless people?

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  1. kallini2010 profile image80
    kallini2010posted 11 years ago

    Have you ever met emotionless people?

    It is not actually a trick question.  All people are supposed to experience emotions, but some cannot even recognize their emotions while they are happening despite the physiological signs, there is some neural overwriting at times.  If this is any hint "they are emotionally blank and bland, they bore everyone".  I call them "dead souls" (of course, they are alive, but not to me).


  2. lanablackmoor profile image84
    lanablackmoorposted 11 years ago

    Well, I'm a high-functioning Aspie so I don't have the emotional depth or breadth that most people do, but I still feel emotions. They just tend to be much shorter lived and much shallower than most people's. I don't believe that anyone, regardless of mental or psychological condition, is 100% emotion-free. I think it just ranges on a spectrum. Some people who seem emotionless might just be incredibly stoic and emotionally introverted.

  3. Cristale profile image83
    Cristaleposted 11 years ago

    I agree with your overview to the question. I have met a person like this and he was very boring, and very monotone. He never cared about any thing or any one, just floated through life like a lump of crap.

  4. Mrs Jil Manning profile image82
    Mrs Jil Manningposted 11 years ago

    I know a person who is like this, although he actually suffers a lot of anxiety and panic attacks despite never showing any emotions.  He is a bit tedious to talk to, and he is not interested in others, but clearly he is registering feelings on some level.  People are so different to each other aren't they?  I often wish that I was a whole lot less emotional!

  5. Dan Barfield profile image73
    Dan Barfieldposted 11 years ago

    I have known people who are like this. Sometimes it is due to biochemical/genetic reasons, sometimes it is due to past traumas. One such individual went through such a brutal period in life that purely from self-defense his mind shut down his emotional responses to things. It is a self-defense mechanism for coping with witnessing horrible things. The problem is once that mechanism has been activated... it is difficult for those individuals to care enough about anything to want to reverse the change. That reversal is possible though - I have witnessed it myself. It was an uplifting thing to witness.

  6. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 11 years ago

    Yes , its kind of spooky actually , I once knew a grey eyed pretty lady who worked at a bank and every time I ever spoke to her  and looked for a response .....nothing !  Yeaa some  People are emotionless I think! I on the other hand don't show alot but do feel alot !

  7. wqaindia profile image36
    wqaindiaposted 11 years ago

    I can not even imagine people without emotions. Every individual has emotions but sometimes such emotions are buried as the the people around them are more hard nuts to crack. Emotions are a two way traffic and to every emotion there is a similar and more pronounced emotion in the same way as Newton 3rd law of motion - To every action there is an opposite and equal reaction.

  8. cjpooja26 profile image61
    cjpooja26posted 11 years ago

    I have never seen a person without emotions but yes I know a person like this and she just don't know why she is living and very boring, never try to interact with people. For her, nothing matters, she is just living her routine life without any goal.

  9. Sherry Hewins profile image93
    Sherry Hewinsposted 11 years ago

    Just because people don't show emotion does not mean that they don't feel emotion.

    1. kallini2010 profile image80
      kallini2010posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Sometimes in neurosurgery, the emotional center - amygdala is removed, sometimes some connections are broken, there is a condition called alexithymia and there unflappables where the manifestations of emotions are atypical. Though, I am not an expert

  10. krillco profile image86
    krillcoposted 11 years ago

    In some ways, your description is that of a sociopath or psychopath. These folks have no real emotion, though they can fake it very well. Yes, I have met a few.

    1. kallini2010 profile image80
      kallini2010posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Ha-ha-ha!  That is specifically - the lack of empathy - that is my next chapter, sorry, pal!
      Life without empathy the mind of the molester and the mind of the sociopath.

  11. profile image0
    lisasuniquevoiceposted 11 years ago

    I have met emotionless people. They're the types I try to avoid. Nothing bothers me more than people who feel they're to good to feel anything.

  12. Cordelia Bay profile image61
    Cordelia Bayposted 11 years ago

    There are those whose conscience has been darkened by the events that have transpired in their life.....by wants and desires that did not bring to them what they had hoped or believed. There are those that have learned to handle their emotions and not overly react.....this does not make them emotionless. In the Scripture it talks about the actions of people and not wanting to submit to anything other than one's own desires and wants.....this is when God turns one over to one's self.....the result is a debase mind.

  13. josephbarrett profile image58
    josephbarrettposted 11 years ago

    Yes, your question is very deep and logical. I have met and live together a person like that. He was my colleague, his mind always remains absent from feelings and senstivity. He never pay attention to his family atleast.

  14. mydubstepstudio profile image60
    mydubstepstudioposted 10 years ago

    I've met people who are more in control of their emotions than others, or better able to "mask" them, but these people always show their emotional side sooner or later, and thank god, because I wouldn't trust them otherwise. We are all imperfect human beings who are partly unpredictable emotional entities. Anyone who can't express or feel emotion is not really alive, imo.


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